ROPALS eDM Redukčný redukčný / Injektor & ROCLEAN Dezinfekcia

For installers and users in the building service the ROPULS eDM cleaning compressor is ideally suited for cleaning and desludging heating circuits, for rinsing drinking water pipes according to DIN 1988-2/EN 806-4 and for disinfecting drinking water pipes. A protocol created by an app can be sent immediately as a PDF with company header and all relevant data by e-mail.

Vybraný variant:ROPALS eDM Redukčný redukčný / Injektor & ROCLEAN Dezinfekcia
Objednávkové číslo:1000003181
Vyberte iný variant
  • Two flushing speeds (pulse and long-term flushing) for good cleaning result Easy to use through clearly laid out control panel Compact size for simple handling on the construction site Professional creation of flushing-protocols as PDF with the integrated app Chemical cleaning through ROCLEAN accessories possible
  • ROPULS eDM-Spülkompressor mit GK-Anschlusskupplungen

    ROCLEAN Injektor

    Druckminderer ROPULS ROCLEAN 2 bar

    6-er Pack ROPULS Desinfektionsmittel


Vyberte si variant

ROPALS eDM Redukčný redukčný / Injektor & ROCLEAN Dezinfekcia


ROPULS eDM-Spülkompressor mit GK-Anschlusskupplungen

ROCLEAN Injektor

Druckminderer ROPULS ROCLEAN 2 bar

6-er Pack ROPULS Desinfektionsmittel


ROPULS eDM F Redukčný redukčný reduktor / Injektor a ROCLEAN Dezinfekcia


ROPULS eDM F 6-er Pack ROPULS Desinfektionsmittel ROCLEAN Injektor FR Druckminderer ROPULS ROCLEAN 2 bar F

ROPULS eDM CH Redukčný redukčný / Injektor & ROCLEAN Dezinfekcia


ROPULS eDM CH 6-er Pack ROPULS Desinfektionsmittel ROCLEAN Injektor Druckminderer ROPULS ROCLEAN 2 bar

ROPULS eDM Splachovací kompresor F



Druckminderer mit Sichtglocke
