ROCAM EPT Súprava, 12-14-16-18-22-28 mm
The ROCAM Expander can be used by HVAC installers for bending copper, stainless steel and aluminium pipes up to Ø 42 mm/ 1.3/4" in order to save the costs for form pieces, fittings and solder material.
Vybraný variant:ROCAM EPT Súprava, 12-14-16-18-22-28 mm
Objednávkové číslo:12310
Vyberte iný variant- Up to 50% cost savings on labor, solders, solder joints and energy compared to a fitting connection Length of the expander segments corresponds to the DVGW requirements Forged aluminium body - lightweight and durable Capillary gap adjustable by means of a screw
ROCAM EPT Zange Expanderkopf 12x1,2mm Standard Expanderkopf 14x1,2mm Standard Expanderkopf 16x1,2mm Standard Expanderkopf 18x1,2mm Standard Expanderkopf 22x1,2mm Standard Expanderkopf 28x1,5mm Standard Innen- und Außenentgrater, Cu und Plastik, 4-36mm Vliesstuch