Súprava ručného náradia s TC 35 a TC 42 v ROBOX
The TUBE CUTTER 35 including the universal deburrer is ideal for cutting copper, brass, aluminum and thin-walled stainless steel tubes in the dimensions 6-35 mm (1/4-1.3/8 in.). Fast and accurate cutting of tubes and cable ducts is made possible by precision-ground cutting wheels and a self-centering clamping device. Material-saving operation is made possible by the groove receptacle for cutting close to the flanges. Its ergonomic design and integrated deburrer make it a reliable solution for daily use. The high-quality and robust internal and external deburrer made of steel is suitable for processing copper and aluminum tubes.
Vybraný variant:Súprava ručného náradia s TC 35 a TC 42 v ROBOX
Objednávkové číslo:1000002682
Vyberte iný variant- Material saving: cuts near to flares Ready for use: Spare cutter wheel in handle Easy turning of the knob: Quickly adjust the working area Two tools combined in one: Tube cutter contains retractable internal deburrer Lightweight and robust at the same time due to its magnesium body
Tube Cutter 35
ROBOX 2650
- Súprava stážistov, 50 ks
- Montážna súprava 5 ks
- Kliešte 3 ks s rohovou trubicou kliešte, ROBOX
- Kliešte s jednou rukou HEAVY DUTY 6", ROBOX
- 53-dielna bezpečnostná a špeciálna sada bitov 1/4", ROBOX
- 10-dielna 90mm farebná sada 1/4", ROBOX
- 38-dielna zásuvka a šesťhranný kľúč set 1/2"
- Taška na plece nástroja TRENDY,25x22x14cm
- Taška na náradie TRENDY, 370x300x395mm
- HWZ Nastaviť kl. m. Taška na náradie, 18 ks
- 57-dielna súprava ručného náradia s rohovou kliešti na trubice, ROCASE
- 103-dielna súprava ručného náradia s klieští na kliešte na trubice aludur, ROCAS
- 57-dielna súprava ručného náradia s klieští s jednou rukou ALUDUR, ROCASE
- 98-dielna súprava ručného náradia s rezačom INOX TUBE TC 35, ROCASE
- Hand tool kit 4414, 18 pcs.