Montážna pomoc sada 4-cesta II Plus, R410A a R32
With the ROTHENBERGER manifold PLUS sets, refrigeration system builders and technicians can install and maintain refrigeration and air conditioning systems as well as heat pumps. For bending soft copper and multilayer tubes in dimensions 10-26 mm / 3/8-7/8 ". The sets are adapted to different refrigerants and their connections.
Vybraný variant:Montážna pomoc sada 4-cesta II Plus, R410A a R32
Objednávkové číslo:170608
Vyberte iný variant- 4-way manifold and matching tubes in a set Large gauge with a diameter of 80 mm Hose with shut-off valve In a sturdy plastic case Accuracy class 1.6 Pressure gauge with protective rubber casing The bending formers are easily replaceable due to the plug mechanism
4 Wege Monteurhilfe 80mm 410A
3 Druckschläuche-SetPlus 5/16" SAE 1,5m
Kunststoffkoffer für 2-Wege-Monteurhilfe
Einlage für 171505
- Pomoc inštalatéra, 2-way, R22-R407C
- Pomoc inštalatéra, 4-way, R22-R407C
- Sada nástrojov Climate 2
- Adaptér 1/2-1/4" SAE
- ROSCALE 120 digitálna stupnica, 120kg
- Súprava tlakových hadín PLUS, 5/16" SAE, 1,5m
- Digitálna váha, až 50 kg, napájaná z batérie
- Tlaková hadica, 1/4" SAE, 1,5 m
- 3-shot tlaková slučka Sada,Štandardná 5/16", 1,5m
- ROCADDY 120, R32 CL digital