Digitálna montážna pomoc ROCOOL 600 vrátane. Červená skrinka
Depending on the equipment, the ROCOOL 600 digital installation aid is ideally suited for installers of air conditioning systems and heat pumps as well as refrigeration system manufacturers. With the basic unit, the advantages of a digital installation aid can already be used, such as the automatic calculation of superheat and a selection of over 80 refrigerants. All common sanitary installation fittings can be clamped. As soon as the system values are recorded, the device can be connected to a computer and used with the included software. A Pirani vacuum probe is available for high-vacuum measurements.
- Modular system: base unit can be upgraded with Red Box incl. Data Viewer software for reading out or recording data on a computer, as well as additional, external Pirani vacuum probe Over 80 refrigerants incl. R32 and R744 (sub-critical) are configured in the device. New refrigerants can be added later by using the update function Simultaneous calculation of overheating and subcooling Documentation software Data Viewer generates automatic reports based on recorded data. Ideal for handing over to the customer External Pirani vacuum probe allows the vacuum to be read where the most accurate measurement is possible: directly on the refrigeration circuit
ROCOOL 600 Manifold only
Klemmthermometer f.digitale Monteurhilfe
Bal Digitalmanometer
Bal Redbox ROCOOL
Redbox bulk
Alkaline Battery 9V
- 2-fázová vákuová pumpa ROAIRVAC 6,0
- ROREC, 230V
- ROREC PLUS, 230V, 370W, 38,5 bar
- ROREC Pro Digital s ROLEAK Pro
- ROAIRVAC R32 2.0 CL w./o. batt.+charger
- ROAIRVAC R32 2.0 CL basic set ROBUCKET
- ROAIRVAC R32 5.0 CL w./o. batt.+charger
- ROCADDY 120, R32 CL analogue
- Refrigerant R32, 1,8kg,2L steel bottle
- ROSCALE 120 digitálna stupnica, 120kg
- Súprava tlakových hadín PLUS, 5/16" SAE, 1,5m
- Súprava tlakových hadín PLUS, 1/4" SAE, 1,5m
- Plne automatické chladiace/klimatizačné zariadenie Roklima Multi 4F
- Digitálna váha, až 50 kg, napájaná z batérie
- Tlaková hadica, 1/4" SAE, 1,5 m
- 3-shot tlaková slučka Sada,Štandardná 5/16", 1,5m
- Tlaková hadica PLUS, 1/4" SAE, 1,5m
- Tlaková hadica PLUS, 5/16" SAE, 1,5m
- ROCADDY 120, R32 CL digital