ROWELD P63 S-6 Meč Základný, termostatická regulácia teploty, 230V

The ROWELD P 63 socket welding machine is suitable for welding joints, pipes and fittings up to Ø 63 mm. The installed components are characterised by their durability and ease of use. Due to the narrow design, pipes can also be welded in confined spaces. All installed components conform the DVS guidelines.

Vybraný variant:ROWELD P63 S-6 Meč Základný, termostatická regulácia teploty, 230V
Objednávkové číslo:053897X
Vyberte iný variant
  • High flexibility and combination options for every day use
  • Long-lasting components according to DVS guidelines
  • Process reliability due to temperature control according to DVS guidelines
  • Light-weight and handy for fatigue-free work
  • Easy to use, even in confined spaces
  • Floor stand available at all times
  • Schweißgerät P63 thermostatisch 220V

    Bodenständer ROWELD P63 S-6




Vyberte si variant

ROWELD P63 S-6 Meč Základný, termostatická regulácia teploty, 230V


Schweißgerät P63 thermostatisch 220V

Bodenständer ROWELD P63 S-6




ROWELD P 63 S-6 Meč Sada 20 - 63 mm, elektrická


ROWELD P63 S6 Grundmaschine

Heizdorn, -buchse 20 mm

Heizdorn, -buchse 25 mm

Heizdorn, -buchse 32 mm

Heizdorn, -buchse 40 mm

Heizdorn, -buchse 50 mm

Heizdorn, -buchse 63 mm

Bodenständer für P63 S6

Tischklemmhalter für P63 S6

Koffer für P63 S6

Sechskantschlüssel, SW 6 mm


ROWELD P 63 Meč S-6, pochodeň. Súprava 20 - 63 mm 110V


P63 S6 thermostatisch, 115 V

Heizdorn/-buchse 20 mm

Heizdorn/-buchse 32 mm

Heizdorn/-buchse 40 mm

Heizdorn/-buchse 50 mm

Heizdorn/-buchse 63 mm

Bodenständer für P63 S6


Innensechskantschlüssel 6 mm


Koffer für P63 S6

ROWELD P 63 S-6 Meč Sada 20 - 32 mm, elektrická


ROWELD P 63 S-6 Sword, elektronisch, 20-32mm