Corporate Social Responsibility
We take responsibility
Globalization, climate change and social change are among the great challenges of our time. It is about nothing less than shaping the future in which we want to live. The commitment of all parts of our society is required to maintain, secure and improve fair and respectful coexistence in a healthy and safe environment. The ROTHENBERGER group of companies is committed to the task of making a spirited contribution to this.
Sustainability declaration of Dr. Helmut Rothenberger Holding for download.
ROTHENBERGER Sustainability Report 2022/2023
Globalization, climate change and social change are the great challenges of our time. The ROTHENBERGER Group has been facing up to this responsibility for many years. The sustainability report documents the efforts of the entire group of companies with regard to society, our employees, our customers, business partners and the environment.
With this report, we provide concrete insights into the development and change processes resulting from our sustainability efforts. The sustainability report represents a cross-section of many measures in six fields of action. From now on, we will publish an up-to-date sustainability report every year, which will transparently show our commitment to sustainability.
Our most important goal: climate neutrality by 2025. In addition, we are pursuing other ambitious goals, such as the optimization of all packaging and products as well as targeted investments in sustainable product and system solutions. Read what we have achieved so far in our first Sustainability Report 2022/2023!
"As a globally operating company of pipe tools and machines, it is part of our tradition and self-image to act responsibly, fairly and sustainably."
Christian Diehl - Chief Financial Officer
Clear values are the basis of our actions - both in our relationships with our customers and business partners and within the company. We see Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an integral part of our strategic and economic actions. There is reason enough to be proud of what has already been achieved and started, but we know: There is still a lot to do. Every step counts. Let's get going!
Fundamentals of our CSR strategy
ROTHENBERGER's CSR strategy is based on the recommendations on the core topics of the international standard ISO 26000 (as of 2010). The detailed specifications serve to maintain intact ecosystems, realize social justice and ensure good organizational management. Even if not all individual aspects apply to our company to the same extent, it is important to us to include all core topics in our strategic considerations and in our daily actions.
"The overarching goal of social responsibility is to contribute to sustainable development ... to ensure intact ecosystems, social justice and good organizational governance." (ISO 26000, page 8)
On this page we show in which fields of action we are already active, which new activities we have launched and what our next goals are.
TOOLS FOR LIFE aims to connect people in all regions of the world with the essential resources needed for a healthy life. This includes the material supply of energy and water as well as the development of intangible resources such as education, training and coaching.
Values of the ROTHENBERGER CSR strategy
"Responsibility is part of our DNA as a family business. This includes treating our environment with respect as well as promoting diversity and fairness in society and in the company."
Dr Sabine Rothenberger, Member of the Supervisory Board