TUBE BENDER MAXI Set, 3/8-1/2-5/8-3/4-7/8"

Installers in the plumbing and air conditioning sector can use the TUBE BENDER MAXI to bend soft copper, stainless steel and multi-layer composite pipes up to 90°.

Choosen variant:TUBE BENDER MAXI Set, 3/8-1/2-5/8-3/4-7/8"
Article number:023022X
  • Duramag housing - lightweight and durable housing Optimal bending results due to plastic bending segments with high lubricity Rapid manufacturing of bends thanks ratchet feed
  • Tube Bender Maxi

    Gegenhaltebügel mit Seitenformen

    Seitenform-R/L 12-22mm 3/8-7/8"

    Biegesegment 3/8"

    Biegesegment 1/2"

    Biegesegment 5/8"

    Biegesegment 3/4"

    Biegesegment 7/8"

    Vliesstuch Rothenberger
